We finally finished the rounds of shots, so the kids (big and furry) got to go out for their first walk.  Max and Dori did really well which was nice.  Back when we had Hercules, he used to scream and yowl so much from excitement we literally had people come out of their houses to ask what we were doing to our dog. A nice, quiet walk was much more relaxing.

ready for our first walk

ready for our first walk

posing for Mommy

posing for Mommy

The boys walking the dogs

The boys walking the dogs

All the new smells!

All the new smells!

Gavin cuddling with Dori

Gavin cuddling with Dori

Max sleeping on the couch while I work on Tristan's computer

Max sleeping on the couch while I work on Tristan’s computer

Well we started another school year today.  It’s hard to believe that Tristan’s in 5th grade and Gavin in 3rd.  Two years from now Tristan will be starting Middle School which really blows our mind.  There’s no way he’s this old, he must have skipped some grades or something.  They both were kind of stressed out before school started but I think that’s all passed now.  Tristan’s back in Gate so he knows all the teachers and most of the students.  Gavin is about to start his full time mainstreaming which will be interesting for all involved.  Luckily he got to spend all of today in Mr. Hintz’s class with his BFF Derek, which calmed him down quite a bit.

Getting ready to leave for school.

Getting ready to leave for school.

Outside Nohl Canyon, our first stop.

Outside Nohl Canyon, our first stop.

Gavin checks out his new pencil box at Mr. Hintz's class.

Gavin checks out his new pencil box at Mr. Hintz’s class.

In line for class.  Derek is standing just to Gavin's left.

In line for class. Derek is standing just to Gavin’s left.